our presentations
Every year we have a jam-packed schedule of speaking engagements at conferences, churches, schools and other events around New Zealand and Australia.
Below is a list and description of our most requested presentations. These are ideally presented in-person, but can also be offered online via Zoom if circumstances necessitate this.
We can also offer other messages that are specially tailored according to specific needs, so please don’t hesitate to contact us to ask about other topics if they are not listed here.

Social Media: How to be Digitally Savvy in a World of Digital Savagery
This presentation explores the important risks that everyone needs to be aware of when using social media. The various pitfalls that users should be aware of are presented, along with practical advice about how to be a more astute and ethical social media user.
The Problem with Porn
This presentation explores the fundamental problems that pornography poses to healthy relationships and personal human flourishing. Along with an exploration of the ethical and practical issues, it also offers practical tips for those who are struggling with pornography and looking to regain control of this aspect of their lives. This presentation can be offered in both a faith-based and non-religious context.
Together Alone: the Loss of Authentic Community
This presentation explores the various currents that have all come together in the modern world to form a ‘perfect storm’ of atomised human living. It explores why the human person needs community, along with practical advice for recovering and proactively nurturing intentional community. This presentation can be offered in both a faith-based and non-religious context.
Authentic: 4 Rules Every Man Should Live By
This presentation for male audiences explores the essence of masculinity, and what it means to live this out in a truly flourishing and life-giving way. It explores four important principles that every man should live by if they want to leave a meaningful and celebrated legacy in their wake.
Love, Sex and the Truth
This presentation is specially tailored for young adult audiences (high school age and older). It weaves personal story with important information about sexual health, and pragmatic relationship considerations to make the case that saving sex for marriage is a sensible approach to adopt for personal health and wellbeing.
6 Powerful Secularising Forces that have Shaped the Modern Mind
This presentation explores six powerful ideological and philosophical forces that shape the modern secular mind, and the thinkers responsible for unleashing them. The presentation also offers six important countervailing pillars from the Christian vision of reality which offer a path to greater human flourishing.
Christianity and Politics
A summary of the interaction between politics and Christianity, and some of the key principles that the Christian tradition applies to this issue. Along with an exploration of fundamental concepts such as the common good, and avoiding the temptation of political utopianism, this presentation also offers basic principles for sound discernment in voting.
Theology of the Body: The Imago Dei made real
This presentation explores the ways in which we all image God in and through our bodies, and the important truths this can teach us about sexuality and human identity.
How to Share the Gospel with Excellence & Love
This presentation offers practical communication tips for engaging in charitable and intelligent dialogue with people outside of the Christian faith, including specific tips for online engagement.
The Four R’s of Effective Leadership
This presentation utilises personal stories and practical principles to promote a virtue and relational based approach to leadership. It encourages people to consider leadership as something deeper than simply power or title, instead, leadership is something that all of us are called to in many different ways no matter what our state in life happens to be.
The Case Against Euthanasia
This presentation explores the case against legalised euthanasia, presenting both the ethical and pragmatic arguments made by its opponents. This talk can be tailored for different types of audiences, and it is an excellent resource for high school classes studying this topic.
What Pro-Lifers Really Believe
This presentation explores the ethical arguments which inform the pro-life approach to the abortion debate. It builds on the most common pro-choice arguments used in favour of abortion, and the responses that pro-lifers would give to them. This presentation can be offered in both a faith-based and non-religious context.
The Courage to be Counter-cultural
This presentation is designed specifically for a Christian audience. It presents the Gospel call to be ‘salt and light’, unpacking this important command in the light of the current cultural challenges Christianity finds itself facing in the modern West.
Christianity and the Sanctity of Life
This presentation explores what the Christian Scriptures, the early Church, and other sources have to say about human dignity and the sanctity of every human life. This presentation also explores some of the basic natural law arguments in favour of the Christian pro-life position.
What is Vocation?
This presentation explores the important Christian concept of vocation, touching on the different forms this can take as well as offering practical insights about vocation discernment.
“Drawing upon a depth of cultural insight, and with apologetic precision, Brendan is our nation’s go-to person for training the next generation.”
- Jason, NZ Church Pastor -
“Brendan is an effective communicator. He engages teenage audiences with the relevance of the gospel amidst the chaos of a largely secular society.”
- Anita, NZ High School HOD -
“Brendan speaks with a humble honesty, a depth of wisdom, and a conviction that calls the audience to go beyond simply listening, to live counter-culturally. ”
- Kate, VFL NZ President -
“You have changed my perspective about the importance of ethics in my role as a future doctor. I cannot thank you enough.”
- Niel, NZ Trainee Medical Intern -
“Being a small, provincial College it has been great to zoom an expert in front of our students. They have enjoyed the sessions and we have appreciated the follow up Brendan offers when they have extra questions.”
- Jane, NZ High School Teacher -